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The Most Common Dog Illnesses: Symptoms and Treatment

The Most Common Dog Illnesses: Symptoms and Treatment

Many common illnesses in dogs and their symptoms can be cause for concern. Some may even be fatal if not properly treated! Our Thousand Oaks vets share advice about the symptoms and treatments of common canine health issues.

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Intestinal Blockages & Surgery in Dogs

Intestinal Blockages & Surgery in Dogs

Our Thousand Oaks vets often diagnose problems caused by intestinal blockages in dogs. Here, we'll explain the cause and symptoms of this serious issue, along with the surgery that could save your dog's life. 

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My Dog Eats Grass - Why Do They Do It?

My Dog Eats Grass - Why Do They Do It?

Wondering why your dog eats grass, if it's safe for them to eat and if  your dog is poisoned? Our Thousand Oaks vets share some insight into why your dog might be dining on the green stuff — and notes of caution. 

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Signs of Heart Disease in Cats

Signs of Heart Disease in Cats

Heart disease is a severe health condition in cats that involves an abnormality of the heart. Left untreated, it can result in congestive heart failure. Here, our Thousand Oaks vets share the types, symptoms and treatments for this disease. 

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Heartworm in Cats

Heartworm in Cats

Both indoor and outdoor cats are at risk for heartworm disease, a serious parasite-borne condition that can be fatal. In this post, our Thousand Oaks vets explain why preventing this disease is so important. 

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Congestive Heart Failure in Cats

Congestive Heart Failure in Cats

Heart failure in cats happens when their cardiovascular systems can not pump a sufficient amount of blood through the body. Here, our Thousand Oaks vets list signs of congestive heart failure in cats, along with potential treatment options. 

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How to Tell If Your Dog Has Heat Stroke: Signs, Symptoms, Remedies & Actions

How to Tell If Your Dog Has Heat Stroke: Signs, Symptoms, Remedies & Actions

Heat stroke is very dangerous and can even become deadly for dogs. Today, our Thousand Oaks vets explain the dangers of this condition as well as causes, symptoms and tips for prevention. We also list actions to take and when to seek emergency care if you believe your dog is suffering from heat stroke. 

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How Do I Know if My Dog is in Pain from Cancer?

How Do I Know if My Dog is in Pain from Cancer?

Dogs can hide discomfort exceptionally well, so if your dog has been diagnosed with cancer, it will be critical to have pain quickly detected and treated. Here, our specialist vets in Thousand Oaks discuss how to tell if a dog is in pain from cancer and how symptoms can be treated. 

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Could the Bumps on My Dog's Skin Be Skin Cancer?

Could the Bumps on My Dog's Skin Be Skin Cancer?

While our dogs are covered in fur, skin cancer is a very serious health concern for our canine friends. If you've found an unusual bump on your pooch's skin, it's always best to have it examined. Today, our Thousand Oaks veterinary oncologists explain three types of skin cancer commonly seen in dogs. 

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How Long Can a Dog Live After Being Diagnosed With Cancer?

How Long Can a Dog Live After Being Diagnosed With Cancer?

Sometimes, our Thousand Oaks vets have the sad task of diagnosing a dog with cancer. An owner's first question is usually, 'How long can a dog live with cancer?' Today, our team explains why this is such a difficult question to answer, even with advanced diagnostics and treatment options. 

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VSEC Thousand Oaks is accepting new patients! Our board-certified specialists and experienced emergency veterinarians are passionate about restoring good health to animal companions.

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